We’re Hitachi Digital Services, a global digital solutions and transformation business with a bold vision of our world’s potential. We’re people-centric and here to power good. Every day, we future-proof urban spaces, conserve natural resources, protect rainforests, and save lives. This is a world where innovation, technology, and deep expertise come together to take our company and customers from what’s now to what’s next. We make it happen through the power of acceleration.

Imagine the sheer breadth of talent it takes to bring a better tomorrow closer to today. We don’t expect you to ‘fit’ every requirement – your life experience, character, perspective, and passion for achieving great things in the world are equally as important to us.

The team

We’re a leader in cutting-edge innovation, the transformative power of cloud technology, and converged and hyperconverged solutions. Our mission is to empower clients to securely store, manage, and modernize their digital core, unlocking valuable insights and driving data-driven value.

This strong, diverse, and collaborative group of technology professionals collaborate with teams to support our customers as they store, enrich, activate, and monetize their data, brining value to every line of their business.

The role

  • To ensure consistency of company strategy, commitments and goals.
  • Manage group or project team to achieve the defined objectives
  • Communicate with customers / vendors / other contractor on requirements, schedule, technical solution, etc.
  • Report to the senior manager.

What you’ll bring

  • B.S. or higher degree in Computer Science or Information Technology (IT).
  • Good Japanese communication skill is required.
  • 8+ years of experience in software development and project management.
  • Expert in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) skills, XML, SOA, Messaging (MQ/JMS), design pattern, common framework, UML.
  • Extremely strong and general IT knowledge (applications development, testing, standards, best practices, security, networking, OS, DBMS, middleware, etc.)
  • Practical experience in design and development for large scale projects in .NET, Java, and cloud technologies.
  • Strong experience in project management, software development process, and software engineering methodology such as RUP, iterative development, Agile/SCRUM.
  • Quality and on-time oriented mindset.
  • Strong communication and customer interface skills.
  • Good English-speaking skill is plus.


Championing diversity, equity, and inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are integral to our culture and identity. Diverse thinking, a commitment to allyship, and a culture of empowerment help us achieve powerful results. We want you to be you, with all the ideas, lived experience, and fresh perspective that brings. We support your uniqueness and encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our team.

How we look after you

We help take care of your today and tomorrow with industry-leading benefits, support, and services that look after your holistic health and wellbeing. We’re also champions of life balance and offer flexible arrangements that work for you (role and location dependent). We’re always looking for new ways of working that bring out our best, which leads to unexpected ideas. So here, you’ll experience a sense of belonging, and discover autonomy, freedom, and ownership as you work alongside talented people you enjoy sharing knowledge with.

About us

We’re a global, team of innovators. Together, we harness engineering excellence and passion to co-create meaningful solutions to complex challenges. We turn organizations into data-driven leaders that can make a positive impact on their industries and society. If you believe that innovation can bring a better tomorrow closer to today, this is the place for you.

We’re proud to say we’re an equal opportunity employer and welcome all applicants for employment without attention to race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, age, disability status or any other protected characteristic. Should you need reasonable accommodations during the recruitment process, please let us know so that we can do our best to set you up for success.

Japanese Speaking Technical PM (SWAT Team)

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