Job Description: Department Overview The following is an organizational description of the department to which you will be assigned at Rakuten Total Solutions, Inc. to which you will be seconded. Rakuten Total Solutions, Inc. is in the business
Job Description: Business Overview Rakuten Group’s mission is to contribute society by creating value through innovation and entrepreneurship. We provide over 70 various services such as online shopping mall “Rakuten Ichiba, online travel service “Rakuten Travel”, online banking service
Job Description: Business Overview Rakuten Groups fundamental management philosophy is to empower people and society through innovation. We offer over 70 diverse services, including the internet shopping mall Rakuten Ichiba, the travel booking site Rakuten Travel, financial services such
Job Description: Department Overview As part of our strategy to strengthen the daily necessities, we operate a store called Rakuten Sokuhai Mart. We are planning on selling some home appliances items as well. Attraction - It is
Job Description: Business Overview The Technology Platforms Division (TPD) is responsible for building and operating the infrastructure and ecosystem platforms which power the Rakuten Group. Our mission is to provide our Rakuten Cloud and Ecosystem Platforms which will
Job Description: Business Overview The Technology Platforms Division (TPD) is responsible for building and operating the infrastructure and ecosystem platforms which power the Rakuten Group. Our mission is to provide our Rakuten Cloud and Ecosystem Platforms which will
Job Description: Business Overview Rakuten Travel is the core service of Rakuten Group, providing a wide range of travel experiences to travelers in Japan and around the world. The service has grown to become the number one online
Job Description: Business Overview The Technology Platforms Division (TPD) is responsible for building and operating the infrastructure and ecosystem platforms which power the Rakuten Group. Our mission is to provide our Rakuten Cloud and Ecosystem Platforms which will
Job Description: Business Overview The Marketing Division leads brand, creative, marketing, and membership as a group-wide organization with the mission of expanding the membership value and ecosystem of the Rakuten Group, which has more than 70 services.
Job Description: Business Overview The Technology Platforms Division (TPD) is responsible for building and operating the infrastructure and ecosystem platforms which power the Rakuten Group. Our mission is to provide our Rakuten Cloud and Ecosystem Platforms which will
Job Description: Business Overview Rakuten is one of the worlds leading e-commerce site operators, with a mission to empower people and society through the internet. We are striving to become a global innovation company while expanding various
Job Description: ※下記弊社指定のエントリーシートをダウンロードしご記入の上【応募】よりご提出をお願いいたします。ご提出をいただくと正式エントリーとなります。 ■エントリーシート提出締切日 2月25日(火) 午前11時59分 エントリーシート確認後、後続の選考案内を順次いたします。 締め切り後の受け付けは一切いたしませんので予めご了承ください。 また直前のエントリーは込み合うことが予想されますので早めにエントリーを完了いただけますと幸いです。 【はじめに】 楽天モバイル株式会社(以下、楽天モバイル)は、2019年に「携帯市場の民主化」を目指して携帯キャリア事業に参入しました。 日本で最も新しい携帯キャリアです。楽天モバイルは、これまでと異なる革新的な技術で自社回線を構築したことに加え、お客様にとってより良いサービスを提供するため、低価格でシンプルなワンプランを展開しています。 楽天モバイルの目標は、国内ナンバーワンの携帯キャリアになることです。そのために、一人ひとりが自分自身の可能性を最大限に活かし、活躍の場を広げていくことができる制度や環境づくりを推進しています。 私たちと共に新しい挑戦を楽しんでいただけるメンバーを募集しています。 【応募資格】 ・2026年4月1日に入社可能な学士・修士・博士を取得予定または、取得済の方。 【歓迎要件】 ・モバイルネットワークおよび通信システムの開発・検証、ネットワーク保守・運用等で経験のある方。 ・プログラミング言語の学習経験のある方。 【雇用形態】 正社員 ※期間の定めはなし。 【試用期間】 入社後3ヶ月間 【募集職種】 ・ソフトウェアエンジニア ・ネットワークインフラエンジニア ・クラウドインフラエンジニア ・データサイエンティスト 他インフラに関わるエンジニア職種 【配属先情報】 以下は、配属になる可能性のある部署の一例と求められる要件です。 ※応募時点では、全て該当しなくとも可。 ※部署や具体的なポジションは、スキルや経験、適性、会社の人員状況を踏まえ、入社時に決定します。
Job Description: Mission Empowering people and society through payment innovation. Our Rakuten Payment sales team is at the forefront of realizing this message that our company aims for. The business model of the Rakuten Group is called the
Job Description: Business Overview The Rakuten Groups basic management philosophy is to empower people and society through innovation. Rakuten Group offers more than 70 diverse services, including the online shopping mall Rakuten Ichiba, e-commerce services such as the travel
Job Description: Business Overview The Rakuten Groups basic management philosophy is to empower people and society through innovation. Rakuten Group offers more than 70 diverse services, including the online shopping mall Rakuten Ichiba, e-commerce services such as the travel
Job Description: Business Overview Rakuten is Japans largest marketplace and Internet ecosystem, offering a wide range of more than 70 services, including e-commerce, travel, banking, fintech, food delivery, golf, insurance, instant messaging, and mobile networking. Rakuten offers more
Job Description: Job Description: Business Overview The Rakuten Groups basic management philosophy is to empower people and society through innovation. Rakuten Group offers more than 70 diverse services, including the online shopping mall Rakuten Ichiba, e-commerce services such as
Job Description: Department Overview This department is responsible for improving the UI/UX of various features such as the top page, search, and shopping cart of Rakuten Ichiba, one of Japans largest e-commerce sites in terms of traffic.
Job Description: Business Overview We are the Advertising Sales Division of Rakuten Group. We utilize the vast data owned by Rakuten to support advertisers in their digital marketing efforts through advertising, research, affiliate programs, and various other marketing
Job Description: Department Overview Overview - What is Rakuten Fashion? Rakuten has 2 e-commerce platform . One is Rakuten Ichiba, the other is Rakuten Fashion. While Rakuten Ichiba is an EC marketplace business model that provides a platform where stores can